Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Webinars and More!

Are you attending TriBranch? Yes?  Well, seats are still available for “The Introduction to Management Workshop” at TriBranch is being held Monday June 9th from 12 PM-5 PM at the Atlantic City Convention Center, NJ. It covers topics such as working with a diverse staff, cultural and personality differences discipline, running a meeting, managing onsite contractors and more!  $40 for the workshop ($20 optional box lunch)  signup at http://www.tribranch.org/ataglance14.html 

Also, there will be the first ever 5K Walk/Run on Wednesday, 6/11/14 – Rise and Shine! The race will start at promptly at 6:30am for runners and 6:40am for walkers!  Registration Fee is $25-Race course will start and finish at Bally’s Casino on the boardwalk. There will be prizes awarded to the top male and female runners. Water and snacks will be provided. For more information and to register visit the following link http://tribranch.org/ataglance14.html  We hope to see you on the boardwalk!

Maybe you can’t come?  Well there are webinars! Webinars of selected presentations will take place over two days from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Tuesday, June 10 and 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM Wednesday, June 11. The cost of the webinars for the two days is $30 per individual access line or $80 for a group of up to 5 individuals from the same institution. The listing of Webinar presentations is available on the website. http://tribranch.org/ataglance14.html  Three Webinar test sessions will be available for participants to verify access to and become familiar with the webinar system, if needed. Technical assistance will be available during the sessions if individuals experience technical difficulties.
For questions regarding the Webinar sessions, please contact Amber Lange amber.lange@novartis.com or Leo Yanas leo.yanas@novartis.com

Look forward to seeing you there!

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